a man using chemical anchor

The Power of Chemical Anchors: Strengthening Structures with SDG and Rawlplug

The chemical anchor, a sophisticated solution for fastening materials to concrete and other substrates. At SDG, we are excited to announce our partnership with Rawlplug, a leader in fixing solutions and technologies, to bring top-tier chemical anchor solutions to the SDG range.

Chemical Anchor

What is a Chemical Anchor?

Unlike mechanical anchors, chemical anchors use a chemical resin injected into the drilled hole, which then cures around the inserted stud, bolt, or rebar. This process not only fills any air gaps or irregularities in the concrete but also creates a bond that is both airtight and waterproof.

Why Choose Chemical Anchors?

The flexibility and strength that chemical anchoring provides make it an increasingly preferred choice for various applications. Here are some distinct advantages:

  • Versatility in Load Capacity: Mechanical anchors are limited by predetermined sizes and the specific load capacities of those sizes. In contrast, chemical anchors allow for any length of rod to be embedded deeper into substrates, which can significantly increase load capacity. Adjusting the diameter of the hole and the rod also enhances this capacity further, offering bespoke solutions based on structural needs.
  • Complete Adhesion: The chemical resin ensures 100% adhesion by perfectly contouring to the hole’s shape, eliminating air pockets and potential weak points. This complete bond offers enhanced durability and strength.
  • Environmentally Robust: Chemical anchors perform excellently across different environments, including wet, dry, and even corrosive settings, thanks to their chemical resilience.

SDG’s Offerings from Rawlplug

SDG proudly supplies a range of high-quality chemical anchors from Rawlplug, each tailored for specific requirements and environments:

Rawlplug R-KEM II Styrene-free Polyester Resin

This universal, styrene-free polyester resin is perfect for use in both solid and hollow substrates. It’s particularly suitable for repetitive use in confined spaces or water-filled holes. Its low odour and compatibility with standard silicone guns make it a user-friendly choice for various applications.

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Rawlplug R-KER II Vinylester Hybrid Resin

For environments that demand high performance, the R-KER II offers a hybrid resin solution with excellent resistance to a variety of corrosive environments. It is ideal for use in both wet and dry conditions and is approved for use in flooded holes, ensuring high performance in concrete substrates.

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Rawlplug R-KEX II Pure Epoxy Resin

At the premium end of the spectrum, the R-KEX II pure epoxy resin is designed for critical civil engineering applications. It is incredibly effective in both cracked and non-cracked concrete, supporting high-load necessities such as safety barriers, temporary works, and structural steelwork. Its high chemical resistance makes it suitable for industrial or marine environments, accommodating both dry and wet substrates.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Chemical anchors involve injecting a resin into a drilled hole, forming a bond around the inserted stud or bolt. This process fills gaps and irregularities, providing an airtight, waterproof connection. In contrast, mechanical anchors rely on predetermined sizes and load capacities, lacking the flexibility and adaptability of chemical anchors.

At SDG, we understand the importance of every component in construction. Partner with us today, and experience the high quality and reliability of our comprehensive range of construction solutions, designed to ensure your projects run smoothly and stand the test of time.

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